Lambda on Lisp - The identity function
Gabriel’s video: From the beginning to the discussion of lambda syntax at 1m48s
Foreshadowing the constant function
Possibly the simplest type of function in Lisp is one taking no
arguments and returning a constant value. The returned value could be
“nothing” as in (lambda () nil)
, or any other constant value,
(lambda () 42)
As we’ll see later, the lambda calculus doesn’t have functions that
take no arguments. Every function in the calculus takes exactly one
argument, so the two Lisp expressions above become something like
(lambda (_) nil)
and (lambda (_) 42)
In the spirit of following Gabriel’s video, I’ll get back to the constant function later. For now, we’ll start with the next simplest function …
The identity function
Because every function in the lambda calculus takes exactly one
argument, the next simplest thing we could do is to just return that
argument: (lambda (a) a)
Let’s give it a try:
CL-USER> ((lambda (a) a) 1)
CL-USER> ((lambda (a) a) 2)
CL-USER> ((lambda (a) a) (lambda (a) a))
#<FUNCTION (LAMBDA (A)) {10024F117B}>
How do we give that lambda a name? Well, in Lisp that’s just a defun
CL-USER> (defun I (a) a)
CL-USER> (I 1)
CL-USER> (I 2)
# [Condition of type UNBOUND-VARIABLE] The variable I is unbound.
The identity of identity
If you’ve been working with Common Lisp long enough, that last one won’t surprise you too much. As I mentioned in the intro, CL is a Lisp-2. It has 2 separate “namespaces” for symbol values and symbol functions, but the only values in lambda calculus are functions.
This is one of the places a Lisp-1 (like Scheme) would have made our
lives a little easier, but there is a workaround. If we copy I
symbol function to its symbol value we get the effect we’re looking
CL-USER> (defparameter I #'I)
So that we don’t have to keep on repeating that step, let’s define a
version of defun
specifically for lambda functions.
(defmacro deflambda (sym args &body body)
"Defines a lambda calculus function (using Lisp's native `defun`),
but also copies the function to `sym`'s symbol-value to give us the
lambda calculus' value semantics in which we can refer to function ƒ
as just `ƒ` rather than (function ƒ)` or `#'ƒ`."
(defun ,sym ,args ,@body)
(defparameter ,sym #',sym)))
CL-USER> (deflambda I (a) a)
There is one more small problem with CL’s Lisp-2 nature, which we’ll
get to later. (Hint: What should ((I I) I)